Gora Adrian

FULL STACK / FRONT END DEVELOPER · (+48) 694 983 705 · adrian.gora14@gmail.com

Software Engineer with 4 years of experience. Currently, I work mostly with TypeScript, React, Node.js, actively seeking front end and full stack roles. I participated in the creation of several web3 (blockchain) applications.

sound representation of eutxo
Side Project / Web3 / Next.js
Staking application on zkSync layer
Frontend Developer / Web3 / TypeScript / React / useDapp / ethers
Trading application, it gives you exposure to nft floor price
Full Stack Developer / Web3 / TypeScript / React / REST / GraphQL / ethers / PostgreSQL
Financial application for fiat and cryptocurrency
Frontend Developer / TypeScript / React / REST / Cypress
Voting application
Frontend Developer / Web3 / TypeScript / Next.js / GraphQL
Cryptocurrency app
Side Project / Web3 / Python / Solara
Trading tool with machine learning model
Side Project / Web3 / Hackathon / HTML / Node.js
Read PDF using AI models
Side Project / PostgresML / HTML / REST / Node.js
Creating bounding box around svg
Side Project / TypeScript / React

Practice solidity contract

Side Project / Web3 / Solidity / Foundry
Minting tokens and reconstruction onchain NFT
Side Project / Blockchain / Python
It aggregates news from newsapi
Side Project / TypeScript / React / REST
CRUD users, application uses prisma
Side Project / Full Stack / TypeScript / Next.js
View with accounting cards with the ability to top up additional cards after pressing a button
Side Project / TypeScript / React / REST
Swap mocked tokens
Side Project / Web3 / Solidity / React / Truffle
Trading tool using MA indicators
Side Project / JavaScript
Custom graphs using recharts and D3
Side Project / TypeScript / Next.js / D3
E-commerce website
Side Project / React / Firebase
Side Project / React / REST
Side Project / React / REST
Side Project / React / REST / Firebase
Side Project / React
stock market prediction tool using LSTM / Python


Software Developer

  • Designed UI and application logic for staking application for social token (TypeScript, React, useDapp, ethers).
  • Testing functionality on several platforms, identifying, reporting bugs and suggestions for improvements.
  • Actively engaged in learning AI tools and technologies.
Aug 2023 - present

Full Stack Developer

playdate app
    Mobile app development, worked on ios and android version
  • Implemented version control system for user to update mobile application. (both iOS and Android platform)
  • Worked with legacy code and contributed to code, fixes and writing tests. (React Native, Django)
  • Successfully pushed application to app store
  • Worked on CI/CD and AWS Beanstalk.
Jun 2023 - Aug 2023

Web Developer

    Development of the perpetual NFT project
  • Contributed to nft perpetual project (trading)
  • Analysed of solidity contracts and infrastructure around
  • Designed front end part. (React, Typescript, React Query, graphql-request, ethers, zustand, React hook form, D3)
  • Created watcher for back end. (PostgreSQL, Sequelize, ethers)
December 2022 - Jun 2023

Front End developer

BlockchainWares Software
    Experience in building financial applications:
  • Specialized in building financial applications (React, Typescript, React Query).
  • Developed balance and contact lists, implemented front end features for sanction system.
  • Worked closely with testers to initiate end-to-end tests, including tasks like disabling 2FA and IMAP, and login by UI. (Cypress)
  • Designed custom component library based on Material-UI, documented in Storybook.
  • I demonstrated keen interest in business aspects of applications to ensure compliance with regulations.
December 2020 - December 2022

Web Developer

    Participated in development of Dapp (Decentralized autonomous organization) on layer 2 EVM, Nervos blockchain.
  • Contributed to development of voting application.
  • Developed bridge UI for better user onboarding. (Next.js, redux toolkit, apollo, MUI, formik)
December 2021 - May 2022

Product Engineer

Varroc Lighting System

    I worked on designing parts of the rear and front -lamp. We developed a functional concept of the lamp, including the concept of fixing, taking into account the feasibility of the parts and according simulation & test results & tooling requests. I used Catia software. Preparing bill of materials, drawing of the assembly and GD&T for parts. I cooperated with the Czech Republic.

June 2018 - July 2020

CAD Designer

Auto Design

    We worked on the concept of parts for the interior of the car, mainly in the area of Instrument Panel and Door Trim Panel. I used Catia V5 software. Updated a few parts in assembly drawing of Instrument Panel for Audi. I redesigned part from Catia V5 software to NX 11.

September 2017 - February 2018

Project Engineer

Alpha Technology

    Broadening knowledge in plastics. Preparation inquiries for VW Group, in result close cooperation with customers technology departments. Representing the client's requirements for the implemented project. Participation in planning and implementation of projects. Cooperation in D-FMEA team. Preparation of documentation and work instructions/manual, following training of employees.

January 2017 - July 2017


University of Technology in Gliwice

Surface engineering and heat treatment

October 2010 - October 2016

TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Material science and their production technology

September 2014 - November 2015

University of Oviedo

Material science and their production technology

February 2013 - June 2013


Programming Languages Tools
  • I participated in the Solara hackathon
  • Developed tool to search text in pdf using machine learning and AI model

    Stack: html5, postgresML, google bard, express, langchain

  • Participated in LearnWeb3 AI hackathon and took 2nd place.

    Stack: html5, streamr, node.js, express, arima (ml model)

  • Attended 2 days hackathon in Warsaw, we tried design trading application on Aleph Zero network.

    Stack: html5, polkadot.js, node.js, express, rust

  • Experimented with pancakeswap code.
  • Worked on the zkFloki staking application, together with friend we designed it in 5 days.
  • I'm working on the nft perpetual project, which gives exposure to the floor price of the NFT.
  • Side project related to other recruitment, used following technologies:

    Stack: react, typescript, next.js, redux toolkit, redux saga, rtk query, react query, react hook form, mui, styled components, prisma, node.js

  • Participated in design of DAO based on Moloch v2 (solidity contract).
  • I'm learning how to write and test contracts in solidity on Ethereum.
  • I'm learning DeFi concept.
  • I'm going to learn AIKEN language to write smart contract on cardano.


I enjoy reading science fiction, economic, non-fiction books and articles. I play chess and exercise outdoor. I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the web development world.

Awards and Certifications

  • 2nd place, category streamr, AI Hackathon organized by LearnWeb3
  • React Web Development 101 - Ivan on Tech 2020
  • Javascript Programming for Blockchain Developers - Ivan on Tech 2020
  • C++ Programming for Blockchain Developers - Ivan on Tech 2020
  • Blockchain and Bitcoin 101 - Ivan on Tech 2020
  • Git and Github - 365 Data Science 2020
  • Cryptography Privary Coins - Ivan on Tech 2020
  • DSH-2 German Language Certifications - TU Bergakademie Freiberg 2015
  • CATIA V5 Advanced Level - CADSOL Design Polska 2018